
Letter to the Editor – One-sided gun view inappropriate

In the Feb. 15 issue of the Daily Forty-Niner, there was an Our view about the killings at a mall in Salt Lake City. While this is a sad, unfortunate incident, it continues a stereotypical view by today’s media regarding guns, gun owners and gun control. I take great offense at the line “How do seemingly normal people become killers? By obtaining guns, that’s how.” Wonder why gun control is so controversial? Because of idiotic statements like that.

I own a gun (a rifle to be specific), so does my son, so do many of my acquaintances (pistols, rifles, shotguns). None of us are killers. In fact, the only thing most gun owners have shot is paper. That’s right, my confused friends: targets, on a gun range. OK, perhaps the occasional tin can as well.

That brings up another statement: “All anyone has to do is look around to realize guns always end up in the wrong hands.” “Always” denotes 100 percent.Wrong again. Only a small percentage of legally purchased guns end up in the wrong hands. The rest end up gathering dust, to be quite honest.

I realize that the Daily Forty-Niner is a student paper, and therefore a learning medium. However this one-sided “view” is inappropriate. Perhaps the writer/s needs to learn balance and visit a gun range.

– John Powell, network analyst for Network Services at Cal State Long Beach

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