
President gives address to discuss campus issues

An undergraduate research fund, along with the proposed Recreation and Wellness Center, were some initiatives given at the first-ever State of the Associated Students, Inc. Address Wednesday in the University Student Union.

ASI President Shefali Mistry first recognized the changes around campus, such as the new Starbucks and ASI’s new communication center and street team, which markets various programs and events to students on campus.

ASI will introduce a new undergraduate research fund, which Mistry said, “typically has not been well-funded.”

Along with the research fund, ASI plans to give $14,000 in scholarships for working students and students who are applying to graduate school. Also, ASI would like to donate $80,000 to Long Beach State athletics. Mistry said she would like students to develop awareness of the student role as the largest legal donor to sports at CSULB.

Some other new initiatives given by Mistry are that there will be a new information center.

ASI would like to also exemplify “finals study period” and provide for longer hours of operation in the USU.

Sen. Christopher Chavez said that he thinks all of Mistry’s proposals were good, but feels that there is still more work for Mistry and ASI to do.’

“I would like to see ASI work on giving students ideas of how ASI works and how it affects them,” Chavez said.

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