A Christian ministry, Love Gods Way, recently posted on its Web site www.lovegodsway.org a list of “gay bands” that parents should not allow their children to listen to.
According to the Web site, “One of the most dangerous ways homosexuality invades family life is through popular music. Parents should keep careful watch over their children’s listening habits, especially in this Internet Age of MP3 piracy.”
The list includes obvious choices like Elton John and the Village People, but has several surprises including Metallica, DMX, Nirvana, the Red Hot Chili Peppers, Jay-Z, Panic! At The Disco, The Killers and the Rolling Stones.
For a relatively unheard of ministry to be so pretentious as to try and censor what music America’s youth is listening to is appalling. Besides listing some of the most talented bands to exist ever, the ministry is attempting to start its own black list. Isn’t it a little hypocritical of a religious organization to discriminate?
Besides being completely wrong in principle, the list is also factually wrong. Look at The Killers. Front man Brandon Flowers was happily married to longtime girlfriend Tana Munblowsky in 2005. That’s about as ungay as you can get. How did he end up on the list?
Is it because he is an active member of the Mormon community? Is it because he is quoted as saying that being gay is “not a bad thing?” Probably.
Nirvana front man Kurt Cobain was a drug addict and shot himself in the head. I can understand why they might cause a red flag with parents, but why would that land Cobain on the list of “gay bands?” The media pressure from his marriage to Courtney Love is noted as one of his biggest headaches. If being suicidal and a drug addict warrants black listing, the ministry should take underOATH off of their “safe list.”
Is it wrong for parents to censor what their kids listen to? That’s a different debate. I just think it’s wrong for parents to go off some dumb list some right-wing ministry who thinks they can cure homosexuality came up with. If parents are curious about what their children are listening to, they should get more involved and ask.
I have a sneaking suspicion this list is a publicity stunt, but Love Gods Way ministry better watch out for when DMX gets wind he’s on a “gay band” list.
Matt Wilkinson is a senior journalism major and the diversions editor for the Daily Forty-Niner.