
Letter to the Editor – ‘Man’s perspective’ on attacks totally insensitive

I am writing this response to an undeveloped article in the Daily Forty-Niner on Dec. 4, titled “Writer gives man’s perspective of the attacks.” I would like to reiterate the author’s bold yet obvious statement that indeed he is a male, with no idea of what it feels like to be afraid for his body or his life.

An objective observer, which he claims to be, should realize that physical violence against women is unacceptable. His lack of objectivity is clearly seen in statements such as: a “girl” is walking at the “right” place at the right time when she is assaulted.”

If society neglects his “more pressing concerns,” such as America’s love affair with fast food, while worrying about “less pressing concerns,” such as a human right to safety, it is due to the fact that society has an objective standpoint that comprehends the imperativeness of safety.

He attempts to associate society’s fear of the Avian flu with a woman’s fear of being raped. He insults our female student body by asking us to “step back, look at the bigger picture,” and think about how the money spent on preventive safety measures should be spent elsewhere.Lastly, he deducts that a woman would “hope that a cop car will pass by [her] in [her] hour of need.” I can assure him that women do not hand over their personal safety to wishful thinking.

This writer will only understand what it feels like to be a woman when the libertarian in him feels the petrifying fear of a thousand male pair of eyes on him. Only then, will he realize that the police officers escorting him to his cell at the end of a long, stark hallway, will not be doing for him what he claims he can do for himself: which is to provide his own efficient physical safety.

– Marianna O’Carroll, senior journalism major.

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