
Students attempt to rock the campus vote

Studio art major Diana Oh registers to vote on Thursday's 'Rock Your Voice.'

The Associated Students Inc. (ASI) and California Student Public Interest Research Group (CALPIRG) of Cal State Long Beach hosted “Rock Your Voice” to get CSULB students to register to vote in the upcoming election. Free pizza and candy were provided while the band Bentrouato performed.

The goal was to get 1,500 students to register to vote and show local politicians that student issues are important.

“We feel it is also important to get students involved in the political process by informing them about the upcoming midterm elections. We need to make our voices heard,” said Brittany Garcia, the secretary of governmental affairs of ASI.

According to a press release, the New Voters Project will register 70,000 young people by recruiting student leaders and volunteers to help register their friends and peers on college campuses. In order for this to be successful, the volunteers will be going door-to-door canvassing the new project, using campus tables to reach students on campus and in class presentations.

“In 2004, the voter turnout between 18-and 24-year-olds jumped 11 percent, nearly three times the overall electorate’s turnout increase, and more than 20 million 18 to 29-year-olds voted,” the release stated.

The goal for 2006 is to get 350,000 to register to vote nationwide.

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