Halloween is around the corner and it can be stressful trying to find the perfect costume without spending hundreds of dollars on clothes, accessories, and special effects makeup. Instead, try these four DIY Halloween costume ideas:

Austin Butler as Elvis in the new Elvis movie. Photo credit: Photo Credit: Courtesy of Warner Bros. Pictures
Although Elvis is a classic Halloween costume, it’s trendy this year with Austin Butler’s iconic pink suit in the new “Elvis” movie. This costume is super simple, all you need is a full pink suit or pink slacks and a black long-sleeve button up. You can also add fun accessories like the classic Elvis wig, sideburns, and a mini acoustic guitar to make the costume even more recognizable.
Sandy from “Grease”
Pay homage to Olivia Newton-John this Halloween by dressing up as the iconic character, Sandy from “Grease.” This costume is quick and easy to recreate. All you need is blank pants (preferably leather/pleather), a black off the shoulder top and red chunky heels/mules. The accessories are an essential part of this costume, so try to add a black belt, red lipstick, a blonde curly wig, and a black leather jacket.
Stranger Things

Millie Bobby Brown and Sadie Mayfiled as Eleven and Max from Stranger Things. Photo credit: Photo Credit: Courtesy of Netflix
“Stranger Things” inspired Halloween costumes are great DIY options because the show takes place in the 1980s, so all the characters are dressed in classic 80s outfits. These outfits are easy to recreate because they’re very casual. For instance, you can dress up as Eleven by thrifting geometric clothing pieces that resemble her well-known jumpsuit from the show. This could also be a great option for group and couples costumes because there are various well-known characters and they all dress casually, making them easy to recreate on a budget.
Bratz Dolls
A Bratz doll costume is an easy and nostalgic way to repurpose clothes you already have. All you need is a plain white t-shirt or tank top, a Bratz logo patch, funky pants or a skirt, and some fun chunky shoes. Bratz doll costumes can be unique and customizable because there are tons of characters to choose from, so the clothing options are endless. The one staple piece is the Bratz logo patch, which can be easily recreated or found online at an inexpensive price.