Letters to the EditorOpinions

Letter to the Editor: Daily 49er articles leave out crucial information

In regards to both opinion pieces published on Thursday, we are writing this letter to clear up some of the misconceptions the Daily 49er has towards the Associated Students Inc.

We find it strange that a media source would criticize a student government for being more transparent.

It would be a complete misuse of student fee money to hire a third party organization to review all officers in ASI.

A third party would have to be present in the office, at the meetings, at the sub-committee meetings and at all ASI-sponsored events.

How much would this cost?

Why hire some third party with the student’s money when all officers have supervisors who should be upholding them to the job they signed up for?

Is this what the editorial board of the Daily 49er would like to see the student’s money going to?

Also, the Daily 49er left out a key point in both articles.

Kasia Hall and the editorial board both write about the subjective goals such as “going above and beyond expectations.”

This is wrong. They know they are wrong.

They purposely left out the fact that going above and beyond expectations is offered as “extra credit points,” explicitly stated on the review form.

An ASI senator can earn up to five points (or 5 percent extra) on their review for going above and beyond.

Is that such a ridiculous thing?

Hall and the Daily 49er editorial board purposely left out this fact to paint the ASI performance review system in a negative light.

We ask: Is this objective?

Ironically, the Daily 49er wrote in their opinion pieces, “The Daily 49er is supposed to provide unbiased information to its readers.”

Could this be anymore untrue?

Also, Hall implied that all ASI does is put on speed dating and farmers markets. Coincidently, two pages after this opinion the 49er published an article on Week of Welcome.

ASI is responsible for planning Week of Welcome, but the paper gave ASI no credit for setting up the event.

This is another example of them being completely biased and unethical in their production of its paper.

And lastly, this review process is in no way a political move for power, as suggested by Hall; in fact, we will both be away from CSULB in next academic school year.

Now, we are reconsidering our options.

We expect more from you all at the Daily 49er, and we hope those who have left positions of power will let new Editor in Chief Kristine McGowan run her own version of the paper.

John Haberstroh is an ancient history graduate student, and Jonathon Bolin is a public policy and administration graduate student.

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