Who knew that a black person voting for Mitt Romney would get so much buzz?
Well, black “Clueless” actress Stacey Dash is taking a lot of heat for telling people she’s voting for the white guy this coming presidential election.
“Vote for Romney. The only choice for your future,” Dash tweeted just a few days ago.
The responses on Twitter alone show just how shocked and upset people are by Dash’s support for Mitt Romney and with the amount of coverage the media is giving this story, you would swear Dash is running for president herself.
Dash told Pierce Morgan on “Pierce Morgan Tonight” that she doesn’t understand why people are making it such a big deal that a black person is supporting Romney.
Dash said she’s simply exercising her First Amendment right by telling people who she thinks is the best choice for president.
Polls have reported that large percentages of black voters support Obama.
Dash doesn’t fall into that percentage, and that’s OK.
There are many white people voting for President Barack Obama, and it’s not a big deal.
To make it such a huge deal that a black person supports Romney is pretty idiotic.
The dumb issue aside, Dash probably isn’t supporting Romney because he would make a great president.
Dash is probably supporting Romney because she desperately needs the attention.
She knew this would create some waves, and the woman is out to get her 15 minutes of fame from all of us.
The truth is, when’s the last time you saw her on the big screen?
When was the last time anyone was talking about her in general?
She’s known for her one role in “Clueless,” which was made more than a decade ago, and ever since then we haven’t seen or heard from her anywhere.
She probably saw this as an opportunity to bring some much needed attention to her very quiet career, because when you look at the facts, a vote for Romney is a vote against what’s best for her as a woman.
Romney has made it clear he wants Roe v. Wade overturned, which means there goes legal and safe abortions.
Do you know what happens when abortions are made illegal?
They just take place in back allies where the equipment used isn’t safe, the people performing the abortions aren’t qualified and the life of the woman getting the abortion is in danger.
Romney would also do away with Planned Parenthood funding, which provides women access to birth control, cancer screenings and STD testing.
A lot of women count on Planned Parenthood to help them access these resources they may otherwise not be able to afford, feel safe accessing or have other means to get to.
Also, before flip-flopping on the issue during the vice presidential debates, Romney’s running mate, Paul Ryan, didn’t even believe in abortion for rape victims.
It just doesn’t get much scarier than that.
So the only logical thing one can assume, with Dash being a woman and all, is that she would only proclaim her support for Romney for attention.
Crucifying Dash for supporting a white man when a black one is running against him is really stupid. We have a horrible history of race relations in this country, and clearly this is one example that shows we still need to make progress.
Supporting Romney, who doesn’t have your best interests at heart, is pretty stupid too, though.
She got her 15 minutes of fame, but sadly, she didn’t use it to support a president that would protect her rights as a woman.
So really, it shouldn’t be such a big deal that a black person is voting for Romney and not Obama. The only thing that’s worth talking about here is that Dash is voting against what’s best for her. How clueless!
Jack Chavdarian is a senior journalism major and the assistant social media editor for the Daily 49er.