
One-cent tax on sodas should be considered for cities’ revenues

Move over Jerry Brown’s budget proposal – there is much more important measure Californian’s need to consider on November 6:

A one cent tax on all soda pop.

A tax initiative has been approved for the upcoming ballot in three California cities seeking to add a penny tax onto every ounce of surgary drinks sold.

This is a response to economic woes in the California cities of Baldwin Park, El Monte and Richmond.

It is quite possible the success of this tax initiative could encourage more cities to follow suit. San Bernardino may want to consider taxing for sodas.

It is also possible the entire state of California could get on this soda pop taxing bandwagon too.

While adding one cent onto every soda purchase may not break most people’s banks, it could definitely boost the economy of many struggling cities.

Soda sales are pretty high all over and it is doubtful soda’s popularity will diminish due to the tax, even though it may anger soda’s most avid drinkers.

This could make for some easy money for cities if they are able to get the people behind this tax.

On the flip side, the principle of taxing more for soda, as little as it may be, might encourage some to give up the sugar juice for good.

While it may stifle soda sells a bit, this tax could encourage healthier lifestyles – a win-win in my book.

This tax initiative comes on the heels of New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg pushing to ban sales on big 16-ounce bottles of sodas.

Of course Bloomberg understands the city that never sleeps will keep it’s nickname even with the less sugar and caffeine. But a ban on big sodas in New York may make a divot in the spread of diabetes, cardiovascular disease and asthma, especially in children.

A nationwide ban on 16-ounce sodas followed by a tax would hinge on the success of both New York and California. As avid as sugar nuts are that their soda goes untouched, these new laws could help them out more in the long run.

Also, a long run may help them out just as well.

In the end, it will be interesting to see how both these initiatives will fair this November. Like the presidential election it will be a tough choice.

Chasen Doerr is a senior journalism major and the opinions editor for the Daily 49er.

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