
Livevil “clothing company”? Nope, just profiteering vandals.

Livevil vandalizing a street sign with their stickers.

The Daily49er recently ran an article on Livevil, a clothing company based out of Long Beach.  In it, they were not asked any hard questions, and they made major misrepresentations of themselves.  I want to explain why they are a parasitic group of people that do not hesitate to essentially steal money from other people in order to fill their own wallets.

Here, we have a company that claims they “used” to get into trouble when they were younger.  Here, we have one co-founder saying that when you buy their clothing, you are “becoming a part of the crew, a part of the brand”, and another one directly contradicting that by saying “We’re not a gang, not a crew, we’re a clothing company”.  Okay, which are you?  Do I get to join your non-existent crew or not, Livevil?
But this goes beyond having a disorganized message.  Have you seen Livevil stickers on campus?  Have you seen them elsewhere?  Probably.  You know why that is?  Because these vandals stick them everywhere!  They stick them on the Daily49er news stands, over and over and over.  Time and time again, maintenance staff tries to scrape these permanent adhesive stickers off, but it always leaves residue behind, and ruins the finish of the paint in the process.  The 49er is understaffed and underbudgeted, and already struggling with the fact that many of our dilapidated stands and racks need replacing, and these stickers are just making that harder.  Shame on you, Livevil, for putting a strain the university for your own financial gain.
Or how about traffic signs?  I see their stickers on traffic signs all around town, and while it may be good advertising, you have the same problem: The city is not allowed to just leave stickers covering their signs, so they have to dispatch people to go and scrape them off, possibly even replacing the sign if they cannot do the job well enough.  Livevil brags about putting out batches of 10,000 stickers at a time; Can you even imagine the cost of removing all those stickers?  Even assuming only 10% of them end up on public property, that is still 1000 stickers.  Even if it only takes a city employee 30 minutes per sticker (Which is unlikely, considering the driving), you still have more than 500 manhours, a cost of at least $10,000 to the city.  How can we respect a group that vandalizes our public property at taxpayer expense?  Legitimate businesses manage to advertise their wares without committing crimes, Livevil is just stealing money from the public for advertising that should be coming out of their own pocket!  This is not a secret tactic, either;Livevil has an entire collection of pictures on their website showing public street signs they have vandalized, even showing people in the act!  Even if this vandalism was done by their fans, Livevil is still responsible for promoting that kind of behavior.
Fine, you say.  Maybe you don’t really care if Livevil attacks public institutions and public works, “sticking it to the man” as it were.  But you know what is truly unforgivable?  Claiming to be businessmen and entrepreneurs, and then destroying the private property of another business for the sake of your own advertising.  Last night, I visited the Jack in the Box on Ocean Boulevard.  As I pull through the drive through, what do I see?  Livevil stickers stuck in the middle of my order screen.  Those screen covers are made of polarized acrylic, and there is going to be no way to clean the sticker off.  Jack in the Box will have to replace that window cover at a cost of several hundred dollars, all so Livevil could get a few days of free advertising.  As I pull up to the window to pay, there is yet another Livevil sticker, this time stuck onto the credit card scanner.  I pointed it out to the guy who took my order, and he said that they have been having problems with stickers for a while, and that someone would now have to spend an hour on the phone with the maker of the card scanner, so they can order another box of replacement covers, then hire an electrician to take it apart and replace it.
Jack in the Box has done nothing to these people!  Why does Livevil think it is okay to cost a business hundreds of dollars in repair costs?  This is not a civil movement, or a protest that might be able to try and justify it; This is a clothing company, and an unethical one at that, one that is basically funneling money away from taxpayers and legitimate businesses to keep their bank accounts topped off.
I am not going to bother attacking Livevil for their actual clothing.  I may think it is generic overpriced clothing that they have just stuck their logo on, but that is how the entire clothing world works these days, and it is not the point.  Livevil, regardless of what they are selling, does not deserve my money, and they don’t deserve yours, either.

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  1. I clearly like to complain? This is the first and only opinion piece I have EVER written for the 49er, when have I ever complained about something other than now? I never claimed the Crue is a cult, and I never claimed I am a hero, both of those things were made up in your head, not the article.

    Companies do have people who vandalize in their name, yes. But Livevil actually promotes and supports it, and they admit they do it themselves, too! As far as why I care so much, did you even read the article? I have to spend my time trying to clean their stickers off the 49er news racks, and because of the terrible shape our racks are in, we are going to have to replace some of them.

    As far as saying I should go to the police, ha. What exactly would they do? I guess you think people should never write anything bad about someone in a newspaper, why not just go to court, eh?

    It is not like I made some campaign out of this, it is a single article to let people know that Livevil has no problem with screwing people out of their time and money. That is messed up, and there is nothing wrong with writing about it.

    1. lol dude i just read this and you are very simple minded and ignorant. if anything they are doing a good job. screwing people out of their time and money?? how so? the electrician is hired to come replace the jack in the box sign.. the electrician needs jobs and has a family of his own to support probably so he’s definitely happy that he has a job to do because of some hooligans, whether he’s supports the vandalism or not, he’s happy to have a job.. and you’re complaining that jack in the box is losing money? lol it’s more pathetic that you are giving your money to some bullshit corporation that doesnt give a crap about your existence in the first place.. trust me they can afford $700ish to replace a order menu screen on the amount of crappy ass food they poison the country with on a daily basis.

      You have given me no substantial evidence to prove that these people are in fact harming anyone at all and i think you are ultimately pissed because they deface the daily49er property and decide to hate them for that reason. that’s it. so stop being ignorant, grow up, stop complaining like a child. xo

  2. Hey to be honest i don’t like livevil but spitfire has been doing the same thing since they first came out with their board making company. I hate to say it but my god you clearly like to complain. I would like to see you ask each and every citizen of long beach if they care what the difference between Crue and crew is. They clearly mean something different to the company. What you are doing is claiming this Crue is a cult of sorts and you are the heroic person come to put a stop to the vandalism. Dude. Seriously? Hundreds of companies have costomers who vandalize property in the name of their company despite the fact that they had no permission from that company whatsoever. I also would like to ask why you care so much? If they really bother you that much don’t complain in a newspaper appeal to court or the police for help instead of whining to a newspaper that delivers to most of the long beach residents who support and buy from livevil. I don’t care about the well being of the company or if it continues but honestly stop complaining to a public who clearly could care less about your worked up opinion.

  3. outrage

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