
Hallmark’s upcoming unemployment cards will not be effective

For any birthday, graduation, wedding, anniversary, and so on, people rely on Hallmark cards to relay their messages, wishes, or the like. Well now Hallmark has extended the number of events their cards address by one, and a very odd one: job loss.

We all know where our nation stands when it comes to employment. We’ve reported about it plenty of times before from about every angle possible, except this one.

A number of people are being laid off, regardless of their profession. The question is, if this person is somewhat close to you, how do you approach the situation? Well, some feel that Hallmark cards can, once again, save the day.

Hallmark’s creative director Derek McCracken told NPR that customers are the ones that requested the idea, as they are having trouble “connecting” with loved ones who have just recently lost their jobs, according to a Fox News article.

“[Customers] asked their retailers, you know, in their neighborhood, where do I find a card that says this?” McCracken explained in an interview with NPR. “And again, loss of job, like any loss, is a grieving process. And so we have to acknowledge as soon as possible what had happened and then try to support them.”

One greeting card reads, “Don’t think of it as losing your job, think of it as time between stupid bosses.” Oh yeah, that’ll really make people feel better. Way to go, Hallmark.

I don’t even want to give myself reason to think that, “Oh, Hallmark is only doing this being the economy really is getting that bad. Makes perfect sense.” No. There is no possibly way making a Hallmark card for those unemployed will ever make sense.

Unemployment is a very sensitive subject; some people might feel embarrassed, other might feel worthless. Whatever it comes down to, a Hallmark card isn’t the way to go about consoling someone over his or her job loss. In reality, there really is no condolence that would make anyone’s frown flip a full 180 degrees. That’s not to say consoling is hopeless, it’s just not going to help the situation.

The only good I can see coming from these Hallmark cards is an idea that PostSecret inspired.

Anyone who has lost their job should buy this ridiculous card, write their unique circumstance on it, and send it to the Obama Administration. Not only will people be explaining their grievance over their unemployment, but Obama will also take note that we’ve sunk so low in the job field that Hallmark has identified it as a common “grievance” that needed to be acknowledged. That right there is plain sad.

Hallmark has saved my ass a few times when I’ve forgotten (oops) birthdays and such. But it will never — and I repeat, never — save my ass in terms of telling a friend I feel for him or her for their job loss. In fact, it might actually get my ass beat.

Sonia Guillen is a senior journalism major and opinions editor for the Daily 49er.

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