
Letter from ASICC: Thank you AISC for promoting cultural awareness

In light of recent events on our campus, the California State University, Long Beach’s ASI Cultural Council (ASICC) feels it is necessary to shed light on the views of ASI regarding diversity on campus. The ASI Cultural Council’s mission is to empower students to actively promote unity and respect amongst the diverse campus of CSULB. We accomplish this by fostering a culturally sensitive environment focused on education, advocacy and leadership development.  Our main objective is to promote a school-wide environment in which students feel comfortable in sharing their cultural history and tradition with fellow students and CSULB faculty and Staff. We are able to help enhance the learning experience of our student population by making our campus a safe and inclusive place for students to express themselves. This, however, cannot be done through ASICC alone.

The ASI Cultural Council would first and foremost like to commend the American Indian Student Council on the proactive role it has taken in order to diversify our campus and educate our student population on matters regarding the Native American population as well as minority students’ concerns. Their involvement on campus in the past years has been vital in promoting the history of Native Americans, and we look forward the American Indian Student Council’s participation in future ASICC events.


The ASI Cultural Council would like to further congratulate the American Indian Student Council on their enlightening performance at our 4th annual ASICC event, “One World: International Fusion” which was held on March 24th, 2011. This event featured different cultural groups and organizations here on campus, and each organization contributed to the event via traditional dances, music, drums, or spoken word. Each organization did a wonderful job in accurately portraying a special part of their culture, as well as bonding with both the audience and fellow student organizations in efforts to create the “International Fusion” the council wanted to accomplish.


While California State University, Long Beach is one of the most diverse universities in the United States, promoting cultural tolerance and awareness will aid in the growth of our student population’s capacity to better serve society as a whole. Together, our students, staff, and faculty can work towards creating a well rounded, educated and inclusive campus—one which will overcome adversities in a uniform matter, for in the words of Frederick Douglas, “if there is no struggle, there is no progress.”




Dina Alhayek

ASI Cultural Council Vice Chair, 2010-2011

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