To whom it may concern,
My name is Jason Briseno and senior here at CSULB and after reading the review by Julio Nievas on the production of “A Man Walks Into The World” I immediately became offended, upset and concerned for the content and writing ability of the writer. The whole review was written as if a sixth grader who has no understanding of theatre or grammar structure decided to attend a play and write absolutely nothing critical nor helpful or objective about the production itself. “…which also makes them dance wierdly…” “…the play has its moments which makes some audience members say things like, ‘this play is awkward’….like all productions are.”
So ALL productions are awkward and weird? Which productions and plays are? How many plays has the reviewer seen? My only real worry is that people will not acquire a true understanding of this play or any others.
Thank you for your time,
Jason Briseno
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