
Piero Sandoval bids for treasurer

Hello students, I’m Piero Sandoval and I’m running for ASI treasurer. I’m a junior international student from Peru, double majoring in Finance and Accounting. I believe I’m well qualified for this position because of my leadership skills, as well as my accounting background, which strictly relates to the treasurer position.

I’ve lived in Long Beach, my second home, for three years. I’ve come to love our university and I will work hard to improve ourselves in order to enhance our college experience.

My experience: I started as sophomore working as treasurer for my fraternity, Sigma Alpha Epsilon. I developed my skills managing around $40,000 a semester. Last summer, I started working in the Accounting Department for 49er Shops. I implemented my treasurer skills by analyzing financial data and participating in forecasting for the many different stores we manage.

I came to ASI as senator-at-large last year, when I became passionate with the amazing things we could do for students and interested in correcting our flaws as a corporation. I will communicate more with student organizations. I will establish a more beneficial relationship between treasurer and student representatives, and encourage fundraising to balance our budget cuts, rather than increase our fees.

Improve the funding system for clubs and student organizations

• Create a yearly handbook with all the information and procedures to acquire funding for the different activities and events that require them. It will also be available online.

• Develop an electronic AS grant application.

• A monthly report will be sent out to clubs and organizations in order to create awareness and inform of the possibilities for funding.

• Fundraising advice and guidance will be provided to clubs and organizations to compensate the funds lost by ASI due to tough budget cuts.
Improve our ASI communication

• Hold monthly meetings with student organization representatives in order to address any questions regarding the grant application process or any ASI related concern.

• An electronic newsletter will be developed in order to advertise the many activities sponsored by ASI. This will also publish the grants given to students winning awards and recognition that enhance our reputation as a university.

• Our web page and the new ASI link on Beachboard will be refined by making them more student-oriented and with features that will welcome students into getting more involved. Furthermore, our AS Newsletter will be sent out more frequently.

-Piero Sandoval

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