By: Lauren Ramirez and Christina Merino
Long Beach State’s Associated Students, Inc. (ASI) election ballots are now open for students to vote for their preferred candidate to serve in student government for the 2022 to 2023 school year.
CSULB students should have received a voting ballot with instructions through their student email today until March 16 to make their voice heard.
How to access the ASI voting ballot:
1. Log onto campus single sign-on.
2. Click ASI Elections – Vote here tile
3. There will be instructions on how to fill the ballot
For further questions, CSULB students can learn more through their student email.
Presidential Candidates
Isaac Julian
- Double majoring in political science, English composition, and rhetoric.
- Julian has been in ASI for two years, currently serving as a Senator-at-Large and previously as the Academic Affairs Officer.
- He is part of the Reuniting the Beach campaign.
Julian’s accomplishments include bringing the defeat +/- grading policy via distributing a survey to the student body whereby 95% of 10,000 student voters were dead set against the +/- grading.
“I can assure you that the student voice will always be heard in my administration.”
Ivan Morales
- Liberal arts major
- Served this past year in ASI as an Associate Justice
“Being a long-time member of this community I hope to land my mark on this school and my city.”
Jacob Ingram
- History B.A. with a triple minor
- Ingram has attended CSULB since 2010
- Enrolled in CSULB’s graduate program to get his M.A. in geography, and has returned to 22 West Radio as program director.
“My platform for this campaign is to fundamentally re-evaluate CSULB’s role in the communities it claims to serve.”
Executive Vice President Candidates
Anthony Regina
- Third-year political science and history major
- Currently serving as ASI’s Senator-at-Large on the Business and Finance Committee and Academic Senate, and also taking part in several other committees.
- Proudly serves as the Secretary of Delta Lambda Phi, and Sergeant-at-Arms in the Latinx Student Union
“I have been an attentive servant leader, and am always involved in school. I enjoy giving back to the community and representing the student body.”
Diamond Byrd
- Graduate student in Master of Social Work program
- During fall 2021, she became part of the new founding board to revamp the Black Business Student Association (BBSA), an organization that was dormant from campus for at least five years.
- As a student and veteran, Byrd understands the challenges military-connected communities face.
“I became the Commissioner of Veterans Affairs and have greatly enjoyed serving this community through social events, advocacy, and other outlets to enhance the college experience.”
Vice President of Finance Candidates
Mitali Jain
- College of College of Health and Human Services student
- At first, Jain joined the USU Board of Trustees then became a Trustee-at-Large and was also re-elected for the USU Board of Trustees, Chair position.
- Jain is currently responsible for formulating and recommending policies regarding all aspects of USU and the SRWC operations
“I serve as a voting member on the Student Fee Advisory Committee, Beach Pride Events Executive Board and serve as a president’s ambassador.”
Jose Raya-Perez
- Third-year business administration dual major emphasizing in Management and Operation & Supply Chain.
- Elected as Senator for the College of Business and supports student organizations transition from online formats to in-person.
- Raya’s time at Long beach has also led him to be involved with various organizations such as the First Generation at the Beach.
“My greatest achievement has been serving our student population in all the positions I have held such as Vice-Chair to the Business and Finance committee where we approve grants and funds for students.”
To learn more about ASI student government candidates, visit their website.