Almost a month after multiple drinking fountains at Cal State Long Beach tested positive for lead by a CHEM 100 class, campus members are still awaiting results from the university as to whether the rest of the fountains are affected.
“Testing is ongoing,” said Terri Carbaugh, assistant vice president of public affairs. “…our timeline [for the results] is as soon as possible. It could be several weeks. We hope sooner, but we can’t say for certain.”
On Nov. 7 an email blast sent by Mary Stephens, vice president of administration and finance, announced that certain water fountains on campus were tested and did not meet Environmental Protection Agency standards. Just a few weeks before, on Oct 19., a CHEM 100 class used a strip test to examine the water in drinking fountains in the McIntosh building as a part of a semesterly assignment. After administration was notified of the students’ findings, the university conducted their own water test on Nov. 2 in the McIntosh building, which confirmed the initial results.
According to Heather Hershberger, a graduate student studying biochemistry who worked with lecturer Elaine Bernal’s chemistry class to facilitate the initial testing, results were available within 10 minutes.
According to Carbaugh, an outside company will be testing the rest of the fountains on campus which the could take a few weeks.
Water dispensers have temporarily been made available to help supplement additional drinking water for campus members. Another 130 water dispensers have been ordered and will be delivered by Monday.
This story will be updated.