
Study: Gel manicures can cause cancer

Manicurist Prena Kim paints junior journalism major Jeaninne Gonzalez’s nails at the Elektric Hair and Nail salon in the USU on campus.

Many girls, like senior supply chain management major Genevive Durgavich, pay for gel processing for their nails because it gives them a shiny, long-lasting manicure.

“I think gel nails are more efficient and last longer,” Durgavich said. “I actually get acrylics and then the gels over my nails.”

However, according to an NYU School of Medicine study from earlier this month, the drying process can lead to an increased risk of skin cancer.

“UVA and UVB light causes damage to skin cells, which can lead to cancer,” Heidi Burkey, coordinator of the Health Resource Center at Cal State Long Beach, said.

Burkey said that she recommends taking precaution before being exposed to UV radiation.

“Always use the highest SPF sunscreen available,” Burkey said. “Protecting your skin from sunburn and tans is important so you do not age your skin prematurely and cause damage that causes skin cancer.”

Burkey also said that women should apply sunscreen to their hands before getting gel manicures.

“Gel nails do create other possible hazards, such as exposure to chemicals,” Burkey said, “hence the reason the manicurist is always wearing a mask to protect themselves.”

However, Burkey said that LED lights used for regular manicures are not a threat because they do not exert UV light like the heat lamps for gel nails.

“The [UV] exposure is minimal, but everyone should try to limit their exposure to these particular light rays,” Burkey said.

Kendall Golovkin, a senior business administration and operations management major, said she rarely receives a gel nail manicure.

“I only get gel nails for special occasions,” Golovkin said. “I don’t like the thickness of gels, so I don’t get them all the time.”

Burkey said that the application time of sunscreen is also important before daily activities.

“People should wear sunscreen every day even when they plan to stay inside the office all day as well,” Burkey said. “It should be applied every two hours if you are going to be in the sun and after you have gone in the water. You should apply it at least 30 minutes before going outside.”

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