With the clashes between Halloween’s orange and the election’s reds and blues this October, it can be easy to overlook the pink in the middle – namely, Breast Cancer Awareness Month.
The Health Resource Center has partnered with Lambda Sigma Gamma and the Beautiful Day Foundation to sponsor a breast cancer prevention workshop that will be held on Thursday at 7 p.m. in University Student Union room 205 in honor of Breast Cancer Awareness Month.
Beautiful Day Foundation is a non-profit organization dedicated to raising awareness and providing breast cancer education to young women across the globe, according to the foundation’s official website.
“The goal of the Pink October Workshop will be to provide students with information about breast cancer prevention,” Heidi Burkey, health resource center coordinator, said.
The workshop will consist of a presentation, a question and answer session, a spin-the-wheel breast cancer trivia game and a lesson on how to perform a breast self-examination using a breast model, Burkey said. Refreshments and prizes will also be provided.
The Health Resource Center has been holding information tables, workshops and survivor panels in support of Pink October since 2000. The center has been partnering with Beautiful Day Foundation since 2006 in hopes of reaching out to many students, Burkey said.
President of the Beautiful Day Foundation, Daynabelle Santos, will give the presentation covering the importance of early detection, treatment options, coping skills as well as referrals for mammograms and support groups, according to Burkey.
In 2009, an estimated 25,000 women under 45 years of age were diagnosed with breast cancer in the United States, according to the foundation.
The workshop is open to both males and females of any age. Although less than 1 percent of those diagnosed with breast cancer are male, it is important for men to look into mammograms, Burkey said.
Students are also encouraged to bring their mothers and/or sisters to the workshop.
“Everyone is invited to attend,” Burkey said.
Junior kinesiology major Monique Diaz said that she might consider attending a prevention workshop.
“I think it’s important because being aware [of breast cancer risks] can save your life,” Diaz said.
The Student Health Center provides students with clinical breast exams free of charge. The center is open Monday, Tuesday and Thursday from 8 a.m. to 6 p.m., on Wednesday from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. and on Friday from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.