
Local church hosts raffles, promotes awareness

Anchor Community Church hosts a raffle next to the University Bookstore.

Church and technology came to a head Thursday afternoon when the Anchor Community Church hosted a raffle for Cal State Long Beach students, awarding an iPad to one lucky student.

Approximately 500 people entered the drawing, but faith was on the side of nursing graduate student Fara Delaney. Even though Delaney was in class when her name was drawn, it didn’t take her long to make her way to the booth.

“I thought it was a prank when I heard the message on my phone,” Delaney said. “I really didn’t believe it, and I was just so shocked that I was in tears on my way to get the iPad.”

Delaney said it was the second time she ever won something since winning two tickets to Disneyland more than nine years ago.

“I am ecstatic,” Delaney said. “I’m so surprised because I never really win anything. I’m so thankful and grateful for winning this because I just can’t afford it right now.”

The goal of the raffle was to raise awareness of the church amongst CSULB students and build a relationship between the campus and community. Pastor Lance Lefler of the Anchor Community Church said the raffle is a great way to interact with people on campus.

“We want to make contact with students to tell them we exist since we’re right across the street,” Lefler said. “If you walk by a booth, people usually want to make money from you and we’re definitely not looking to do that or gather people’s information. People are shocked that there’s no strings attached.”

Many CSULB students may not be in a financial position to purchase a brand new iPad so some were thrilled about the fact of having an opportunity to win one, including freshman engineering student Richard Menson.

“I think it’s great that they’re giving away an iPad. I know I can definitely use one and I’m sure every other student on campus can too,” said Menson.

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