
Student threatens staff member, throws punches

A 60-year-old woman was kicked out of the Disabled Student Service offices for making threats and trying to punch a staff member.

University Police responded to a call about a student refusing to leave the Disabled Student Services office located in Brotman Hall, Room 270 on April 27, University Police Capt. Scott Brown said.

The student, a 60-year-old heavyset, black woman, was upset and yelling threats, Brown said. She also tried to punch a staff member, Brown said. University Police are currently unsure as to why the woman was upset, Brown said. The victim did not want to press charges, Brown said.

Drive-by egging

Students reported having eggs thrown at them on Merriam Way near Parking Structure 1 on April 27 at 10 p.m., Brown said.

The two women saw a white 4-door vehicle drive past as eggs were being thrown in their direction, Brown said. Once University Police arrived, they were unable to locate the vehicle, Brown said.

Swiped surfboards

A student reported two surfboards stolen from the top of his 1994 white Ford Escort on April 21 around 5 a.m., Brown said.
The Parkside dorm resident had secured the boards to a surf rack and parked his vehicle on the road near the Isabel Patterson Child Development Center, according to Brown. When he returned, the boards were missing. The total estimated loss is valued at $450, Brown said.

Foot fetish

A student reported a man rubbing her foot and making her feel uncomfortable on April 30 around 8 p.m., Brown said.

The student was studying in a cubicle at the University Library and felt the suspect touch her foot, Brown said. When she confronted him, he left the area, Brown said. University Police made contact with him and the victim filed a private person’s arrest, Brown said. The suspect was cited and must appear in court, Brown said.

Vandalized motorcycle

A student’s 2009 black Yamaha R6 was vandalized in Lot 10 on April 26 around 11 a.m., Brown said.

When the student returned to his motorcycle, he found deep scratches near his oil tank and the oil cap was stolen, according to Brown. The total cost of the damages is about $400, Brown said.

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