
Week of Welcome offers a way to get involved

The Cal State Long Beach Salsa Club shows off their moves during the Week of Welcome fair.

Cal State Long Beach’s spring 2012 Week of Welcome, a three-day event in which almost 300 student clubs and organizations present themselves, offered a variety of ways in which students can become more involved on campus.

Dancers showed off their moves, Christian clubs passed out flyers with Bible verses and sports clubs displayed various awards and medals at WOW.

Michelle Romo, junior business marketing transfer student was impressed with the diverse organizations at WOW.

“There is a lot to pick from,” Romo said. “You get to meet people and are able to get more involved on campus.”

“It’s great,” said Harvey Mendoza, a junior economics transfer student. “There’s a lot of diverse clubs and organizations, and people are coming up to you with information about their club.”

Spring WOW also gives students who missed the event in the fall a chance to see what is available on campus.

Armando Delgado, a sophomore aerospace engineering major, said that he was not able to attend WOW last semester. This semester, he took some time to see what was available on campus and is thinking of rushing for a fraternity.

Even students who went last semester, like undeclared freshman Jonathan Rivera, found something new in the fair.

“Without Week of Welcome, I wouldn’t know what clubs are out there,” said Rivera, who was looking for a computer club because he is considering a computer science major.

Although it’s the spring semester, clubs are still accepting new members.

Alex Nauta, a sophomore film major and a member of Circle K, said that 75 people signed up to join the club within the first two hours of the fair.

According to the Associated Students Inc. website, WOW officially started on Tuesday with ASI Info Day where students were able to ask any questions regarding ASI.

The organization fair began Wednesday and will run today from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. on the commencement lawn.


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