
MTV’s MADE audition draws small turnout

Isabelle Noack, alumna, sits with producer Jay Lyons during a casting call for MTV’s MADE.

MTV’s MADE conducted a casting call on-campus Wednesday in the University Student Union room 304 from 2 p.m. to 6 p.m.

The audition produced a small turnout.

Jay Lyons, MTV’s MADE casting producer, who has been working on the show for about 4 years, said more people usually show up to castings.

“It probably did not get much publicity,” Lyons said.

Cal State Long Beach alumna Isabelle Noack said she went to the casting call in hopes that it will help her get a job in TV journalism.

“Being on the show can get me the right training,” Noack said.

Noack is a foreign exchange student from Germany who is searching for her break into the entertainment industry so that she can continue to work and live in the U.S.

“I really want to be the next Oprah,” Noack said. “I want to bring light to different issues and give people a voice who don’t usually get one.”

On MTV’s MADE, young people are given the tools and professional training they need to accomplish their dream, according to

Lyons said the person they were looking for had to have a “heartfelt dream.”

“We meet a lot of people who just say, ‘I want to be famous,'” Lyons said. “And I say, ‘Good luck with that.'”

Lyons said this is a multi-step process and the audition is just the first step. He said that the next step is to get to know the person on a more personal level.

“We will follow them around and get to know what their life is like,” Lyons said.

Lyons said MTV’s MADE is different than other MTV shows.

“MADE is a very positive show and I feel good about working on it,” Lyons said.


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