
Students flaunt knowledge in engineering game show

Students of all majors gathered in the University Student Union Beach Auditorium on Tuesday to flaunt their engineering-related knowledge as part of The Engineering Game Show.

Hosted by the Society of Mexican American Engineers and Scientists (MAES), the game show format was a combination of “Family Feud” and “Jeopardy,” pitting Team Scientists against Team Engineers.

“It’s not often we see this many big events thrown by the clubs,” said Brian Lojack, a graduate student in computer engineering and winning contestant. “So it’s nice to see one so well-organized and well-funded.”

Members of the audience were called onstage by use of lottery tickets given out before the show began.

Those who did not participate on the stage contributed by cheering and carrying signs provided by the game show that read, “Go Scientists” or “Engineers! Engineers! Engineers!”

“The tables were there, we just designed the covers for the tables,” said Jairo Lopez, vice president of MAES and host of The Engineering Game Show. “We actually ad-hocked — improvised the buzzer system.”

Student electrical engineers wired the buzzers, which read, “That’s easy,” to turn red when pressed.

Students who placed in the winners’ circle received various prizes. Gift cards were awarded as consolation prizes. Third place received movie tickets and second place was awarded an iPod shuffle. The grand prize was a waterproof camcorder and an eight-gigabyte SD card.

When asked if this event will appear in next year’s Engineering Week, Lojack said, “Absolutely … If we could do this again next year, it would be really fantastic for the school.”

Lopez said the game show was advertised as part of E-week. Next year, he said he hopes the game show will be emphasized more to bring in a larger crowd and create a better show.


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