
Rec center now offering free self-help classes

Jon Bennett, senior, and Maryann Takemoto discuss the upcoming flu shot event scheduled for October.

Students who have visited the Student Recreation and Wellness Center might have noticed an office called Beach Balance, located on the second floor next to the activity rooms.

Beach Balance offers students free classes including stress management, nutrition, self-esteem awareness and relationship counseling. Almost 250 students have signed up for the Beach Balance classes, said Ace Alvarez, a graduate student who works at the center.

“It’s nice to see a lot of interest,” said Jon Bennett, a graduate student who works at Beach Balance. “I think students didn’t expect to have these activities available to them right away.”

The program is aimed at promoting well-being using a holistic approach to health, according to the Associated Students, Inc. website. Counseling and Psychological Services, Student Health Services and Disabled Student Services worked together to develop the program.

“We were approached with the idea, and asked to be participants and sponsors ever since they started building, which has been two and a half to three years,” director of CAPS Brad Compliment said. “We have all been meeting regularly to develop services and wellness-based programs.”

The idea behind the program was to encourage preventative health so students can avoid future problems.

“We’re looking at preventative health in daily life, so we can give [the students] ways of looking at things that are helpful to them,” Compliment said.

Freshman environmental services major Madison Hanson visited the recreation center and became interested in participating in Beach Balance.

“I think I want to take a class about dieting,” she said. “That seems like something interesting to me.”

While Beach Balance is not directly affiliated with the Student Recreation and Wellness Center, the two work together to help promote students’ overall health.

“The rec center is not all about recreation — it’s also about students’ well being, wellness for the entire being,” communication coordinator for ASI Christina Esparza said. “Beach Balance is inside the rec center, so we’re all like one big family.”

Bennett said the program plans to expand and offer paid services including massage therapy and acupuncture.

Students can sign up for these classes by visiting the Beach Balance office inside the SRWC. Classes will start today.


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