Associated Students, Inc. is considering whether to pay between $12,000 to $20,000 per year for a web-hosting service.
OrgSync, a company aimed at reforming student organization communication, gave a presentation to ASI on Wednesday.
OrgSync offers an online platform for student organizations to archive, post and update information. Each student organization would receive their own website — already designed to fall in line with the parameters of the American Disabilities Act.
In addition to each organization’s website, OrgSync offers features such as the ability to take PayPal payments for club dues and a campus calendar that shows all organizations’ events.
“After the presentation, some of the senators mentioned that we already have these resources through Facebook, Twitter and Google docs, but that is just it. Those are all separate places,” ASI President James Ahumada said. “This links them up into one.”
Student Life and Development is responsible for website management for student organizations.
Ahumada and director of Student Life and Development Jeffery Klaus have admitted that the current Student Life and Development site is a “mess.”
“It is simply because we don’t have enough resources to hire the necessary staff to keep up with the number of organizations,” Klaus said.
In the past, organizations have been able to use Beachboard accounts to enroll students into their club. However, four years ago, when student ID numbers and e-mail addresses were visible without students agreeing to disclose the information, that form of communication stopped. Now, student organizations are on their own.
“It’s hard on such a big campus to get the word out,” Klaus said. “Students are still saying that they didn’t know a certain club existed.”
In spite of the benefits OrgSync provides, senators were concerned with the cost. Prices by OrgSync vary by the number of student organizations that access the platform. For Cal State Long Beach, the price would vary between $12,000 to $20,000 per year.
Ahumada said, “Yes, it does cost a lot, but to hire a full-time staff to maintain the [Student Life and Development] website would cost more.”
OrgSync, if approved, would be funded by ASI, club sports and Student Life and Development.
ASI will continue discussing OrgSync in the next meeting on Sept. 22.
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