In the coming weeks, the United States Census Bureau will begin sending out forms to citizens across America.
The census, which is conducted every 10 years, serves as the leading source of quality data about the nation’s people and economy, according to the U.S. Census Bureau Web site.
“The census is important because it captures how many people are living in the U.S. and where they are living,” said Cal State Long Beach student and iCount LB member Cristina Cortez. “Knowing how many people live in the U.S. and where they are living impacts how the government distributes funding and government representation. It is important that everyone is counted so that funding and representation is fair and accurate.”
Responses to the census determine how much states will receive of $400 billion in federal funding.
Cortez said students should participate in the census because a portion of the $400 billion that is distributed among communities affects student loan programs and grant money. ”If students are not counted, then their schools and communities will not receive the funding that is needed to sustain all of its students,” she said.
Additionally, information gathered from the census can be used by students conducting research. Many students and professionals rely on census information, and if those numbers are not accurate, then the information is not as valuable, Cortez said.
“Students are considered a hard-to-count population because they often do not know what the census is or they think that since their parents claim them that they can be counted on their parents’ census,” Cortez said. “Most students are not aware that even if they are supported by their parents, they need to be counted in the city where they eat and sleep most of the time.”
President Barack Obama released a 30-second message on YouTube, explaining the importance of the census.
“Every 10 years, our Constitution requires the federal government to conduct a census. This helps determine your representation in Congress, as well as how federal funds are spent on things like schools, roads and where businesses decide to put new stores and factories,” Obama said. “So when you get your census form in mid-March, take about 10 minutes to answer the 10 questions, remembering to include everyone in your household, because we can’t move forward until you mail it back.”
Students can participate by filling out the census form when it is mailed to them.
Parents should not include their children on their census forms unless they live in the same household during the school year. Cortez said that if a student lives in a dorm, they should find out from the housing office when census forms will be distributed.