In the second installment of the OUTober Special Episodes, the Daily Forty-Niner’s Editor-in-Chief Christal Gaines-Emory discusses the debut album of queer singer and songwriter FLETCHER, Girl of My Dreams.
FLETCHER, full name Cari Elise Fletcher, uses her first album to chronicle the end of a long-term relationship. She presents queer love through a vulnerable and relatable way, and even steps into controversial territory with the highly-debated song, “Becky’s So Hot.”
In Girl of My Dreams, Fletcher narrates her heartbreak over a relationship’s conclusion, and the journey of self-discovery that it prompts. In this OUTober Special Episode, Gaines-Emory discusses the album’s centralized themes, its honest presentation of queer love, and how FLETCHER’s music has impacted her.
Girl of My Dreams is available now on all music streaming platforms.
Host: Christal Gaines-Emory
Edited by: Andy Nguyen
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