As a social work graduate student at Cal State Long Beach, here is my stance on the second presidential debate between President Barack Obama and Governor Mitt Romney.
President Barack Obama plans to further help the middle class and poor.
The president has created jobs the last year of his first term.
His future plan is to help America’s schools, roads and communities. In doing so, schools will be stronger, leading to better prepared students and teaching jobs.
These two outcomes will clearly help those who live in middle class and poor families.
Obama was better able to portray his message when it came to middle class and poverty through education and immigration.
He was able to present his greater interest in helping the students when it came to paying off loans.
Immigration, such an uncomfortable but yet necessary topic to address, was a risky topic. However, Obama was able to give a more positive feedback and positive interventions.
Romney focused on tax breaks and credits to the middle class. He said he wants to relieve the middle class. However, Obama’s term has given the middle class tax breaks.
Romney’s argument is overall weak with a less solid plan.