
Another first day of school

Welcome (back) to school students!

Another first day of school for non-freshmen and transfer students.


Another parking space hunt that brings out your animal side.

Another stranger who should I sit by that doesn’t look like they may be a danger to my safety?

Another cutie you wish you did sit next to but completely didn’t see before picking your seat.

Another professor screwing up your name during roll call.

Another “Hi, my name is Bob, and I’m a blah, blah major.”

Another 10-page syllabus read-through.

Another “Yes, attendance is mandatory.” 

Another set of books you will buy, but never open.

Another clock you will eye every five minutes until lecture is over.

Another text message you have to ignore until the end of class.

Another group of classmates you will add on Facebook, but never see again in your life.

Another ceiling you will make out dirty images on. 

Another semester that eventually grows on you, but by the time it does, it’s over.

Another spring at Cal State Long Beach. OMG when will I graduate? 

What’s another thought that comes to your mind?

Good luck with your first day (back) at Cal State Long Beach!

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