
The NDAA may allow the indefinite detainment of citizens, so act now!

A 17-year-old was recently detained at the airport by the Transportation Security Administration because the handgun design on her bag was a “federal offense.”

That’s similar to the scenarios we have here.

The PATRIOT Act’s surveillance, the proposed Protect IP Act’s censorship and now, say it with me: the National Defense Authorization Act‘s detainment of citizens in military custody!

The NDAA sounds like some type of ecstasy, but it’s supposedly the war on terrorism. This federal law has been around for 48 years, but the 2012 act suggests it may allow the indefinite detention of U.S. citizens. The Senate has passed it. Now the House of Representatives must review and decide its fate.. or rather, our fate!

With that being said, Uncle Sam is giving equal opportunity to its U.S. citizens in that they, too can be dubbed as terrorists.

If anything, it’s the citizens of this country who are terrified. Our First Amendment, Sixth Amendment and 14th Amendment rights are being infringed upon by this government of terrorists. What if the military detained them without a trial? And by them, I’m deliberately dehumanizing the government.

Don’t worry, though. The government has already set up FEMA camps all over the country. According to HR 645, “national emergency centers” have been built to provide “temporary housing, medical and humanitarian assistance to individuals and families dislocated due to an emergency or major disaster.”

For college students, I hope the term interning will never mean being in an internment camp!


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  1. I quoted the one from November. It has exactly what I posted, word for word.

  2. This is extremely shoddy journalism. First off, the girl was not detained because of the design on her handbag. She was detained because she refused to check said bag when they asked her nicely, trying to force her way through security with it. It does not matter if it was clear that the design was not a real gun, because the law says that the FAA cannot allow fake/replica weapons on flights, either! Why? Because it does not matter if a weapon is real if the person starts waving it around in the plane, it can cause a panic either way. The girl was acting like an idiot, and the TSA acted appropriately.

    Second, the entire premise of the article, including the title, is a LIE. The NDAA does NOT allow for the detainment of US citizens, or legal residents. Quote below from section 1031:


    (1) UNITED STATES CITIZENS.-The requirement to detain a person in military custody under this section does not extend to citizens of the United States.

    (2) LAWFUL RESIDENT ALIENS.-The requirement to detain a person in military custody under this section does not extend to a lawful resident alien of the United States on the basis of conduct taking place within the United States, except to the
    extent permitted by the Constitution of the United States.”

    It is clear that not even elementary research was done before posting this alarmist, uninformed garbage.

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