Arts & Life

Enter the “sixth dimension” at the Art Theater

For the upcoming 30th anniversary screening of the cult musical, “Forbidden Zone,” Richard Elfman and Long Beach’s Rocky Horror Midnight Insanity cast have joined forces to pull all the stops.
Like many cult classics, “Forbidden Zone,” is not known for its plot, but rather for its quirky qualities and funky characters. The film takes place in an abandoned home that leads to the sixth dimension. Throughout the film, characters like a “chicken boy” must take action and save his friends.
In honor of Forbidden Zone’s 30th anniversary, the art theater will have a shadow cast performing along with the movie. Performers include cast members from “Midnight Insanity” and “Sins ‘o’ the Flesh,” who have dubbed themselves “Cell 63.”
Director Richard Elfman will be performing with Mystic Knights of Mondo Bongo, and Erin Holt will be performing a song from the sequel “Forbidden Zone Two: Forbidden Planet” before the show. Richard Elfman will also be performing by making appearances throughout the film.
Signed DVDs will be given away throughout the night.
Before the shadow cast screening, attendees are encouraged to drop by early and head over to Lola’s Mexican Cuisine where The Radioactive Chicken Heads will perform a preshow. During the event, Beachwood BBQ will be serving their craft beers to guests 21 and over, so bring an I.D.
This one-time event is expected to sell out quickly, and it’s advised to not wait to purchase tickets at the door. Get there early to see all the shenanigans of the night. It’s an event that should not be missed.

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