Arts & Life

‘Loving Repeating’ musically shares Stein

(Left to right) Leland Burnett, Jay Donnell and Tyler Milliron perform in “Loving Repeating.”

“Loving Repeating” showcases the arts, love and T.S. Eliot with pre-Whoville lyrical intellect at the International City Theatre.

The musical’s West Coast premiere showcases Stephen Flaherty and Frank Galati’s 33 musical numbers based on the late Gertrude Stein’s post-WWI era and Dublin-set writings about the lost generation and similar modern-day issues like same-sex relationships.

The eight-person cast projects giddiness, sadness and everything in-between, except silence. They sing pre-Seussian symphonies at the twist of the tongue and with repetitive lyrics like, “My wife is my life/Is my life is my wife.” The repetition is a make or break that can either be catchy or annoying like an Internet meme.

They dance in precise concordance, showing the intimate relationship among each couple. The stars Young Stein (Shannon Warne) and her significant other, Alice B. Toklas, (Melissa Lyons Caldretti) journey their everlasting relationship from their first encounter to their last words. Their performances are stunning and convincing as they exchange a kiss and wordy pledges of love through music. 

The three unnamed men (Leland Burnett, Jay Donnell and Tyler Milliron) bring diversity and movement during part one and two of “Men.”

The set design remains a towering heart-shaped nest and a cubist ground mural of women throughout the play, but the lighting and faint costume designs brighten up the stage with vaudevillian numbers, opera performances and quirky lyrics. At the same time, the cast’s wardrobe of browns and pastel groom the 19th century feel, whether it’s with pleated teacher dresses or paperboy hats.

The play is almost like an abstract, anything goes form of entertainment as depicted in “As a Wife Has a Cow” when the characters shoot from behind the curtains and herd to the stage. It can easily disconcert or enthrall the viewer.

“Loving Repeating’s” fusion of traditional ways and modern issues is a maturely-acquired taste that isn’t for the impatient and no-nonsense kind of viewer. However, those who appreciate the arts and wish to tamper with the past will love the production’s wit and charm.

“Loving Repeating” runs until Feb. 13 at the ICT. For ticket information visit

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